philosophical counseling & business consultancy
Study of economy (VFW), philosophy (magister phil.) and pathognostik by Prof. Rudolf Heinz
Working since more than 30 years in councelling of privat persons or business clients and many years as manager of companies in Germany and many other countries.
Member of the International Sociey for Philosophical Practice Germany (IGPP)
Menber of bv-pp
Owner of an Office for "Philosophical councelling" in Duesseldorf, Germany.
Bonner Str. 161
40589 Düsseldorf
fon: +49 (0) 211 - 17 56 572
mobile: +49 (0) 176 - 446 33 907
Whisdom is to know all circumstances and relations
Whise is a person who lifes according to his | her knowledge
Why philosophical councelling?
In order to live a whise and happy life and to conquer the horison of your own possibilities it is helpful to understand how all the connections of thoughts, feelings or behaviour work within oneself or others.
To feel the need to find out who you are and what you want, to clear the thougts or understand situations you are involved in, is the point to look for philosohical councelling. It enables you to increase your knowledge and find the whisdom that is neccesary to motivate your actions or find anwsers to your questions. To use philosophical counceling is the way you can find a solution of many of your personal problems.
How does it work?
Together we will have a dialoge about your special question, situation or fact. Using the method of philosophical analysis will give you a clear view about the structure of thoghts, the circunstances of a special situation and the way that your question or problem is relateted with the solution. This method is a painless posibility to face personal problems or questions in an objective way.
Which cases | topics ?
Situations of the "every day life", in business affairs or with interhuman relationship are helpful to start with your own "whisdom collection" by the support of a philosophical councellor. But classical philosophical topics such as "truth" "ethics" "what is ..." can be discussed as well.